Frequently Asked Questions
  • Are these items listed authentic?
Yes! All items sourced at Shop Soulora are verified for authenticity.
  • What is your shipping policy?
Please allow 48 hours for processing your order. All shipping is done thru UPS and you should receive a tracking number via email. Shipping cost are based on item weight and your shipping address. We do not ship to P.O. Boxes. If you have any shipping issues please email us at info@shopsoulora.com
  • Where is the local pick up?
Local pick up is in the Central Arkansas area. If you select local pick up, please email info@shopsoulora.com with your order number to receive pick up instructions and times.
  • What is your return policy?
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Please make sure you understand exactly what you are purchasing and the condition. If you need additional photos or have questions about a product please email us at info@shopsoulora.com
  • How can I sell my pre-owned luxury items?
Please fill out the form here. We will reach out to you for item photos and authenticity requirements.
*All copyrights and trademarks remain sole property of the brands